Nutrition in restaurants - IKEA 

The hectic work styles many of us have in our lives prevent us from indulging in proper foods to ensure ourselves a good diet. As a matter of fact many of us are actually deprived of many of the important nutritional needs of our body. The reason behind this is the lack of time. On a daily basis we strive to work out plans and strategies to maximise our time to enable us to perform all our tasks related to our work or responsibilities to the best of our capabilities, and to do so we have to resort to stealing time away from our other activities, which we deem to be unimportant when in actual fact are actually a necessity, such as eating. To use our time for other activities we deprive ourselves the comfort of a proper meal and our body suffers a great deal because of this. A proper diet is essential to our health and should not be neglected, even if you are short on time and choose to dine at a restaurant you should always be sure that what you are eating will provide you with all the daily nutrition your body requires. In light of that we will be reviewing a restaurant which is a branch of a company which is well known for distributing furniture, IKEA. It is times like this that you really start to wonder about the menu in IKEA and IKEA's nutrition facts in their food, "How can you be sure that a restaurant which has branched from a furniture company have any knowledge about nutrition in food?" Well today we will be looking in to some IKEA nutrition facts, to help build your confidence in the IKEA food product line. A very interesting IKEA nutrition fact is that IKEA restaurant's are environmentally friendly and place a lot of focus in maintaining the standards of their food to ensure that every dish which leaves their kitchen complies with the international and national food legislations. Moving on we will discuss on some IKEA food nutrition facts. If you look it up online you will find many IKEA food nutrition facts, such as the one about their "Frozen Yogurt". The froe yogurt which comes in a vanilla flavour consists of only 100 calories and a low carbohydrate count of only 21 grams, which is abnormally low for yogurts. However the real selling point of this yogurt is its fat count which is zero. Yes you would actually be eating a vanilla flavoured frozen yogurt which has a fat count of zero. This is a definite dream come true for yogurt lovers everywhere as flavoured yogurt is known to possess fat .Even their low fat cousins are not completely free of fat.

Besides that another interesting IKEA food nutrition fact how long does nicotine stay in your blood is that their "Daim Crunchy Caramel Candy piece", comes with only 1.4 grams of fat and a total of 26 grams in calories. So if you are looking for somewhere cheap and nutritious to have your food, be sure to give the IKEA restaurant a visit.